To redeem an ASDA voucher code, simply visit the designated discount code page and select your preferred offer. At checkout, find the eVoucher section under gift cards and enter your ASDA promotion code into the provided box to apply your savings.
ASDA offers Click & Collect on all orders, with the service being free for Delivery Pass members. Customers can opt for same-day collection starting at £3 or choose next-day Click & Collect for a minimal fee of 50p.
To discover the most current ASDA discount codes and offers, visit the "all ASDA offers" page. This resource is regularly updated with the latest product discounts available at ASDA.
ASDA typically does not offer free delivery as standard. Delivery charges start at £3, with the exact rates and available times presented during checkout. However, customers who opt for a Delivery Pass can enjoy free shipping on grocery orders exceeding £40.
Currently, ASDA has 16 new discount codes and offers available for you to select from on this page. These can help you save money on your next purchase with them.
With ASDA's mix and match multi-buy offers, you can enjoy savings by purchasing two or more selected items together. Simply add the qualifying products to your basket, and the discount will be applied at checkout, allowing you to take advantage of these special deals.
To discover ASDA's "£1 or less" offers, simply visit their website or stroll through the aisles of your nearest store. You'll find a wide selection of grocery items available at these affordable prices.
ASDA holds its 25% off sale on wine and champagne every few months, applicable when you purchase six or more bottles. Details of the next event will be shared on this page as soon as it commences.
Discount | Promotion | Expiry |
10% Back | Asda Rewards: 10% back with select purchases | - |
15% Off | Asda Groceries offers and deals for over 15% off | - |
50% Off | Price Drop Specials: Up to 50% off groceries and household supplies | - |
Blue Light | Blue Light Card members save at Asda Groceries | - |