Size? offers a free returns service for items sent back within twenty-eight days of purchase. Detailed return instructions can be found on the Size? website under the Delivery and Returns section, but please note that if you used a discount or promo code, your refund will reflect the discounted price rather than the full price of the item.
Yes, Size? offers a complimentary mobile application that can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Utilise the app to effortlessly manage your Size? Access rewards and browse the latest sales and promotions wherever you are. Keep an eye on this page for a Size? promo code tailored for in-app purchases to secure additional savings.
Yes, Size? provides a 10% discount to NHS workers on all orders. To take advantage of this offer, eligible customers must present their valid NHS identification.
At Size?, free delivery is available for any order exceeding £80. Simply ensure your total purchase meets this threshold to automatically qualify for the complimentary shipping service.
Yes, Size? offers a 10% discount to students on all orders. To take advantage of this saving, simply verify your student status and enjoy the reduced prices on your purchases.
To receive 10% off your first order at Size?, simply sign up for their newsletter. Upon registration, you'll be provided with a discount code to apply during checkout.
Discount | Promotion | Expiry |
10% Off | Size student discount code for 10% off full price items | - |
10% Off | Size? Emergency Services and Military Discount for 10% off | - |
20% off | Take 20% off full price items with the Size? student discount | - |
20% off | 20% off full price items | 15 January 2025 |
20% off | 20% off Jordan Air 1 Retro High | 1 January 2025 |
10% Off | Size? discount code for 10% off when you sign up for the newsletter | - |