To apply a MyMemory discount code, navigate to your shopping basket and locate the "Discount or gift voucher" link on the right-hand side. Enter your code in this section to redeem your savings.
To receive a 10% discount on the next order at MyMemory, simply sign up for their email newsletter. This will ensure that the savings are applied to your subsequent purchase.
MyMemory accepts a variety of payment options to suit your needs, including Apple Pay, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, PayPal and American Express. Rest assured that you can choose the most convenient method for your online purchases with them.
New customers at MyMemory are eligible for a 10% discount upon signing up. Simply register to receive your savings.
At MyMemory, only one promo code can be applied to each order. It's important to choose the discount that best suits your purchase as multiple codes cannot be combined on a single transaction.
Secure a minimum 20% discount on sale items at MyMemory. Additionally, keep an eye out for "2 for" deals to purchase two products at a reduced rate. Make the most of these opportunities to save on your tech essentials.
If your purchase from MyMemory arrives damaged, defective, incorrectly advertised, or isn't what you ordered, you can return it within 30 days of receipt. For unwanted products, there is a 14-day return window. Simply send items back via Freepost for convenience.
At MyMemory, UK orders are subject to a delivery fee of just 99p. This straightforward charge ensures that customers can manage their spending effectively while enjoying the convenience of home delivery.