To redeem an Audible promo code, simply visit the "Redeem a Promo Code" page on the Audible website. Follow the instructions provided to apply your code and enjoy your audio content.
Yes, Audible provides voucher codes and seasonal deals which can be found on the 'Deals' page of their website. The platform also takes part in major annual sales events such as Black Friday and Boxing Day, offering additional savings opportunities.
Yes, Audible credits do expire. They are typically valid for one year from the date of purchase, after which they will no longer be available to use.
Yes, Audible allows you to share books with friends or family directly from the app. Simply go to your Library, select the three-dot More menu next to the title you wish to share, and choose Share.
Audible previously offered a student discount, but this promotion has since ended. Students can often find discounts by joining through Amazon Prime or by keeping an eye on this page for any Audible coupon codes that may become available.
As a Prime member, you receive two complimentary audiobooks during your initial 30-day trial period with Audible, rather than the standard one. Additionally, throughout the year, you'll have access to a selection of other perks from Audible.
Upon cancelling your Audible membership, you will no longer have access to any titles included with the subscription. Titles in your library will display a lock icon indicating they are inaccessible.
Yes, Audible offers seasonal deals and coupon codes for existing customers. These can be found on the 'Deals' page of their website.
Audible membership comes with a monthly credit, allowing members to choose from an extensive range of titles. Members also enjoy unlimited listening to the Plus Catalogue and have access to member-only deals, saving up to 80% on selected audiobooks.
Audible is not included at no extra cost with a Prime membership. These are separate subscriptions, so an Audible Premium Plus or Audible Plus membership would need to be purchased independently of Amazon Prime.
Yes, Audible offers a selection of audiobooks that can be accessed for free. Simply sign in with your Amazon account to browse and listen to these titles without the need for a promo code.
Audible does not currently provide a discount specifically for NHS or Blue Light card holders. Customers looking for offers can check Audible's website or sign up for their newsletter to stay informed about any future promotions.
Your 30-day Audible free trial grants you full access to the membership benefits without charge. Should you decide to continue with the service post-trial, your subscription will automatically renew. Remember, you have the option to cancel at any point during this period and incur no cost.
Audible offers a monthly subscription for £7.99 after the initial free trial period ends. Subscribers can cancel their membership at any time without any commitments.
At Audible, there is no requirement to commit for a specific period of time. Members have the flexibility to cancel their membership whenever they choose, and any titles acquired with a credit remain in their possession indefinitely.
Audible content can be enjoyed on a variety of devices including iOS, Android, Windows and Mac computers, as well as any Alexa-enabled device. This ensures that listeners have the flexibility to experience their audiobooks wherever they go.
Yes, Audible allows for the return or exchange of audiobooks within a generous 365-day period from the date of purchase if customers are not completely satisfied with their audio experience. This policy ensures that listeners have ample time to enjoy and assess their purchases.
Discount | Promotion | Expiry |
50% off | Enjoy a 50% discount on your first audiobook with this Audible voucher code | - |
30-day free trial | Enjoy a 30-day free trial of Audible | - |
Free Trial | Try Audible free for 30 days | - |
2 free audiobooks | Receive 2 free audiobooks with Audible trial for new subscribers | - |
Free Books | Enjoy free books with Audible | - |
Up to 70% off | Daily deals at Audible | - |
£0.99 | Audible membership for £0.99 a month for the first 3 months | 8 January 2025 |