To apply a MissPap voucher code, simply enter it into the "promo code" field located at the bottom right of your shopping basket. Once entered, click apply to activate your discount.
With MissPap Unlimited Membership, customers enjoy the convenience of free unlimited next-day delivery on any order for an annual fee of £14.99. Additionally, members gain access to VIP member days that feature special offers and promotions tailored for them.
Yes, MissPap offers a student discount. Students can log in via Student Beans or Unidays to receive an extra 20% off their order.
At MissPap, customers have a variety of payment options to choose from. These include Visa, Electron, Mastercard, AMEX, Maestro, Apple Pay, PayPal, Klarna and Clearpay for convenience and flexibility in completing purchases.
Yes, at MissPap you have the option to buy now and pay later by selecting financing options such as Clearpay or Klarna during checkout. This allows you to spread the cost of your purchase over time.
MissPap allows customers to initiate a return within 14 days of receiving their items. Please note that there is a £1.99 fee for returns, which will be deducted from the refund amount.
Discount | Promotion | Expiry |
20% off | Extra 20% off with the Misspap student discount code | - |
20% Off | Extra 20% off with MissPap discount code for NHS | - |
25% off | 25% off going out items | 11 December 2024 |
25% off | 25% off cable knit oversized cardigans | 9 December 2024 |
25% off | 25% off satin relaxed shirts | 16 December 2024 |
35% off | 35% off party dresses | 15 December 2024 |
20% off | 20% off with this Misspap discount code | 13 December 2024 |