To use a Kite Clothing promo code, first proceed to your basket and then navigate to the checkout page. There you will find a box labelled "discount code or gift card" where you can enter your code; simply paste it in and click 'apply' to activate your savings.
To enjoy free delivery from Kite Clothing, simply spend £50 or more on your purchase. This offer applies to all orders within the UK.
Yes, Kite Clothing does offer a referral scheme. When you refer a friend to Kite Clothing, both you and your friend will receive a 15% discount on your purchases.
To save money on your Kite Clothing order, utilise one of the 9 available Kite Clothing discount codes and offers listed above. Additionally, joining the Kite Clothing mailing list will ensure you're informed about all the latest deals.
Discount | Promotion | Expiry |
15% Off | 15% off for each friend you refer | - |
10% Off | Current Kite Clothing sales and discounts for over 10% off | - |
From £9 | Little Leopard dungarees, sleepsuits, and more from £9 | - |
From £9 | Planet Pals collection from £9 | - |
Free Delivery | Free delivery when you spend £50 | - |