To apply a Baker Ross promo code, simply locate the "promotion code" field to the right of your shopping basket. Here you can paste in your promo code to enjoy savings on your purchase.
Yes, Baker Ross provides free UK delivery when you spend £25 or more online. Simply enter the promo code FREEDEL at checkout to take advantage of this offer.
The Premier Plus subscription at Baker Ross is an annual membership priced at £8.95, which grants subscribers unlimited express delivery on all orders with a minimum value of £19 or more. This plan ensures that customers can enjoy swift and efficient delivery service for their purchases throughout the year.
Yes, Baker Ross offers a clearance section where shoppers can find craft supplies at discounts of up to 50% on a variety of items. It's an ideal spot for those looking to save while indulging in creative pursuits.
Baker Ross provides a money back guarantee allowing customers to return any unsatisfactory items within 28 days of receipt for a full refund of the goods value or an exchange. This ensures that shoppers can make purchases with confidence, knowing they have the option to return products if they do not meet expectations.
At Baker Ross, customers are permitted to apply only one promotional code per transaction. It's important to choose the promo code that provides you with the most benefit for your specific purchase.
Baker Ross accepts a variety of payment options for your convenience. Customers can use most major credit and debit cards, as well as PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay to complete their purchases.
Discount | Promotion | Expiry |
50% off | Up to 50% off craft supplies | 1 January 2025 |
50% off | Up to 50% off premier plus express delivery | 1 January 2025 |
50% Off | Clearance sale: Up to 50% off art supplies, craft sets, and more | - |
up to 50% off | Get up to 50% off Seasonal Crafts | - |
up to 50% off | Savings of up to 50% on art supplies, toys, craft supplies, party supplies, and craft activities | - |
50% off | Up to 50% off foam gingerbread house kits | 6 January 2025 |
50% off | Up to 50% off penguin dreamcatcher kits | 6 January 2025 |