To redeem your Interflora discount code, simply navigate to your shopping basket and click on the "Apply promotional code" link. Enter your code in the space provided to enjoy savings on your purchase.
Yes, Interflora offers a 10% discount for students who verify their status through UNiDAYS. To access this discount, simply visit the UNiDAYS website and search for Interflora's student offer details.
Yes, Interflora offers a 10% discount to NHS staff. This discount is available through and can be applied at the time of purchase.
Interflora typically charges for delivery, but customers can obtain unlimited next-day delivery for one year by purchasing a gold delivery pass at a cost of £12. This pass allows you to enjoy the convenience of free delivery on all your orders with Interflora for the duration of the subscription.
To receive 15% off your first order at Interflora, simply subscribe to the Interflora newsletter. Upon subscription, you'll be eligible for the discount on your initial purchase.
Sign in to your Interflora account and create reminders - you will get a £5 discount for each one.
With the Interflora Delivery Gold Pass, for an outlay of just £12, customers can enjoy unlimited free next-day delivery on their orders for a full year. This pass provides a cost-effective solution for those who frequently purchase from Interflora and wish to save on delivery costs over a 12-month period.
Interflora accepts a variety of payment methods to accommodate your needs. You can complete your purchase using Visa, Amex, Mastercard, Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay or Klarna.
To save on an Interflora order, always visit this page for the latest 9 active discount codes and offers. For additional savings, explore the discount codes page on Interflora's website. Consider investing in a delivery pass if you anticipate placing multiple orders within a year to cut down on long-term delivery costs.
Discount | Promotion | Expiry |
15% off | Enjoy 15% off your first purchase with Interflora voucher code | - |
£5 Off | Interflora discount code for £5 when you set a reminder | - |
20% off | Up to 20% off same day flowers | 18 February 2025 |
£5 Off | £5 off when you set a reminder | - |
50% off | Up to 50% off Valentine's Day flowers | 11 February 2025 |