Innocent Half Price @ Tesco

Innocent Half Price @ Tesco

Tesco has the entire range of Innocent products on offer for half price. Some of them are straight up half price and some are on a two for one offer. The range includes smoothies, noodles, water and juices and are a fabulous alternative to most 'for kids' juices and drinks on the market. 

I was always under the impresion that Innocent products were organic, but I can't see that anywhere on the Tesco site. Never the less, the fruit is free of GMO's, and contain nothing but pure squeezed juices.

About the only way to get any substantial amount of vegetables and fruits into my children is through smoothies and juices, normally mixed with Kefir to give it a bit of a fizz. While we normally make our own smoothies, I'm pretty sure if I did the maths, at half price I'm not sure I could make these smoothies at these prices.

Since they contain only fruit and water, I'm pretty sure they'd freeze well too, so if you have space you can buy extra and stock up for a few months.

Another great idea is to turn fruit juices into ice lollies. A great parenting hack my children have yet to catch on to, since I can even include spinach and kale in their fruit smoothies/lollies and they are never any the wiser!

Thanks to santhoshmetri at HUKD

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  • WhatYouOnAbout
    I can't see any half price offers on Innocent Juice myself