Bob The Builder Towel £3.75 @ Tesco

Bob The Builder Towel £3.75 @ Tesco

Tesco are selling this Bob the Builder towel for £3.75, instead of the full £9.99.

You may, or may not, remember that I have a thing for towels. As far as I'm concerned, one of the great pleasures in life is having piles and piles of towels in the laundry cupboard, all neatly folded and stacked according to colour and size - if you're the same, and you live with a young Bob the Builder fan, then this Bob the Builder towel may just have to join the ranks of other towels in your airing cupboard. 

My kids loved nothing more than getting out of the bath or shower and being wrapped up in a towel adorned with whoever was their current character-of-the moment - which is why there is a character towel PILE in my airing cupboard; one minute it was Hello Kitty, the next it was someone Disney, then Toy Story came along! You know it goes...

You can, if you really have no other option, arrange for Tesco to deliver your Bob the Builder towel to you, but that'll cost you an additional £3 - rather pop along to your nearest Tesco store and pick it up for free instead.

Thanks to lilliesmummy11 at HUKD

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