What's Your Perfect Night In?

What's Your Perfect Night In?

Perfect Night In

Ahhhh, that point in the evening when the kids are finally in bed and you can collapse on the sofa with your favourite box-set and a family-sized tub of ice-cream.

Or, as is the case in my house, you can finally get to your desk and squeeze a day's work into the few remaining hours before every last shred of your concentration (and general will to live) evaporates.

According to new research - namely a study of 2,000 adults which sought to determine the formula for a perfect night in - it consists of getting away from work by 5.30pm, pausing to unwind with a cup of tea and some Dairy Milk chocolate (good choice) and then donning your jammies or trackie bottoms by 7.10pm.

Apparently the research revealed that Brits are opting to hibernate in front of the telly for up to five nights a week after the clocks go back but - and this is where it gets interesting - more than half of those in a relationship would prefer to have the place to themselves rather than enjoy the company of their partner if they were to truly enjoy a relaxing night in. Awkward.

The ‘perfect’ night in would involve 26 minutes of gossip on the phone followed by an easy dinner on the sofa. From 8.00pm all calls are ignored to fit in at least two and a half hours of television or film – deemed the right amount for a good night, with Great British Bake Off the most popular, followed by Game of Thrones.

The research, which was commissioned by Yale to mark the launch of National Home Security Month, also found that our ideal evening involves checking out five websites (that's your Playpennies catch up sorted), reading three articles online (I can recommend this one on tackling homework without tears, this one on parenting apps we wish someone would invent, and this one about the baby gear you will never need) and getting through 10 pages of a book or magazine uninterrupted.

I just love this snapshot of the average Brit's perfect night in. It's weirdly comforting to know that we're all up to more or less the same thing, no? Ok, that sounds a lot stranger now that I've written it down.

Maybe it's partly that I feel slightly less of a lazy slob now that I know everyone else is in their jammies eating ice-cream and watching telly.

What's your perfect night in? Does it involve having the place to yourself for some quiet relaxation, or do you prefer to chill with the kids for a family movie night? Come and tell us over on our Facebook page.

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