If you are a Harry Potter fan then you may want to go and grab your wallpaper paste and table as I have a feeling you may want to redecorate once you see this new Harry Potter wallpaper that's available at Studio!
The best part about the new Harry Potter Mischief Managed Wallpaper is that it glows in the dark!
The wallpaper features a section of Hogwarts, including the Prowling Passage and Room of Doom.
But in the dark, the map changes to say ‘mischief managed’, and the important code - ‘I solemnly swear that I am up to no good’. Plus dark characters also appear on the map, with Wormtail’s footprints suddenly appearing as he sneaks around the castle.
Charges during the day with natural light,
or a flip of the light switch, and then fades gradually over a 30
minute period, to allow your child a peaceful nights sleep.
This fab wallpaper is selling like hotcakes and the good news is it is currently available at Studio for just £12.99 a roll.
I bet this looks amazing as a feature wall in a little ones bedroom!