PlayPennies Loves...Pants With Names

PlayPennies Loves...Pants With Names

bloggerPantsWithNamesThis week PlayPennies Loves...Pants with Names.

I spend far too long musing through lists of blog names; every now and again I come across one whose title just makes me smile and, as a result, I just have to go and visit it - more smiling could be waiting for me at the other end of that link!

(if you want to know how Pants' blog came to be called Pants with Names, click HERE)

Pants with Names did indeed provide more smiling, along with a fair bit of chuckling, cackling and proper laughing out loud.

Firstly you should read about The Players, you'll find their details running down the right hand side, by the time you've done this you'll want to know more and might as well settle in for the long haul.

Here's a teaser...

"Pants With Names: That's me. Previously known as Fraught Mummy or Brit In Bosnia. Married to Dave, blessedly unfraught, and my partener in trying to maintain a modicum of control over the three (now four) random variables that also live in our house."

Four random variables! You just KNOW chaos will ensue on a regular basis along with brutal truths that can only come from the mouths of babes.

I smiled an empathetic smile when I read 'How to make your mother feel good' - I've had similar conversations with my children over the years and it doesn't get better, they just just more brutal as they get older; toddlers are innocent, teenagers are just mean and find it hilarious!

My teenagers share the same birthday but were born in different years; they don't like this and as a result we never did the big birthday parties.  Can you imagine simultaneous birthday parties with double the jelly and ice cream pebble dashing the walls?!

No nor me, and 'Just back from hosting a 6-year-old's birthday party...' has merely confirmed that my no-party rule was sane and rational.

"...primary school teachers are not paid enough. However much they are paid, it isn't enough. Next time there is a round of pay negotiations, they need to make the politicians take charge of 20 6 year old boys, hyped up on sugar and excitement for 2 hours..."

BRAVO! Pants with Names for Prime Minister, I say.

This particular Dear So and So post is one of my favourites - I'm a sucker for Dear So and So's but some of these could have been written by me.

"Dear Sam

I do apologise. I know you could roll weeks ago and were really getting quite effective at rolling. But then I stopped putting you on your front because, selfishly, I'm not ready to deal with a moving baby. And now you've forgotten how to roll. I did get a little bit told off by the Health Visitor for not getting you to practice it more. So I will put you back on your front again but could you promise me that you won't roll just yet.

Guilty Pants
PS - don't even think about crawling, or you'll never be put on the ground again."

I could go on and on highlighting posts for you to read but I'd be here all day - seriously, just go and read all of it; Pants might be pants with names but she has a talent for making you laugh whilst telling it the way it is.

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PlayPennies Loves...Crystal Jigsaw

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