Snowmen Are So Last Year: Do You Wanna Build A Luge?

Snowmen Are So Last Year: Do You Wanna Build A Luge?

Home-made luge

It's a major snow day here today, so my kids think I'm the cruellest mother ever for making them go to school instead of letting them stay at home to inflict inevitable bloodshed on each other under the guise of having a snowball fight.

But when I saw this story in the Telegraph about a dad who built a home-made luge in his garden, I began to wonder if my kids might have a point.

The paper reports:

A father made a homemade luge track in his back garden in Cranford, New Jersey, US. 

Footage captured on Saturday shows the father pushing his delighted children along the giant track constructed out of snow and ice.

Seriously, I sometimes wish other parents would spare a thought for us mediocre ones, and wake up to the fact that they make us look bad with this sort of thing.

I reckon my kids would consider this just about the coolest thing ever. Although you do surely have to wonder whether it's only a matter of time before the dad updates his YouTube account with You've Been Framed style video footage of his offspring breaking bones.

So it's official; you can forget snowmen. Do you wanna build a luge?

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