My Garden Greenhouse Pop Up Tent £12.99 @

My Garden Greenhouse Pop Up Tent £12.99 @ have the Ninja Corporation’s My Garden Greenhouse Pop Up Tent on offer for £12.99, which saves £12 off the original £24.99.

The cynic in me wonders why you’d need a special child sized green house, and wonders if you wouldn’t get more for your money with a normal greenhouse and a marker pen, but you know… that’s not the point.

I suppose the benefit of this over your regular Tesco Direct version is that it’s all on the ground, making it easier to reach all the plants. The standard stand up variety has a smaller footprint, but the shelves are too high for the average tot to not pull a greenhouse full of sand filled pots out over themselves… thereby probably answering my own question.

With this greenhouse your little ones can learn through play – the easily assembled Greenhouse can be used to monitor the growth of plants or even seeds, creating a lovely area for them to be studied.

The assembled size for this is 80cm x 80cm x 50cm and it features a chart for documenting the weather.

Thanks to wishihadadonkey at HUKD

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  • cokeyd
    comes up as £50 when i click on it