Bargains Galore @ Boots!

Bargains Galore @ Boots!

There are more bargains than you could shake a stick at over at Boots right now.milk

From 17th February to 17th March Boots is offering Mums and Dads a series of baby bargains on everything from nappies to nursery equipment.

And that's not all - Advantage Card holders can also earn an amazing 10 Advantage Card points per £1 when you spend over £20 on baby products.

In addition to the fantastic deals available on everyday baby essentials in Boots stores and online, parents will be able to take advantage of 2 for £10 on Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk. It's usually £6.97 for 900g at Boots so that's a nice little saver.

If you've never encounbabytered Growing Up  Milk before then check out the reviews by Boots customers on the page linked above. Growing Up Milk has been developed to support your toddler’s growing needs and is suitable for babies aged one year and over, helping to provide more of the key nutrients they need at this key stage of development. Cow and Gate's website has some brilliant information about this milk range as well as a nutritioniston hand to answer any questions you might have.

Looks like Boots is the place to be this month if you're expecting a baby or just feel like stocking up on all those essentials. As we like to say here at Play Pennies; there is no such thing as TOO MANY baby wipes!

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