Pie Face Game £14.99 @ Argos

Pie Face Game £14.99 @ Argos

It was the Game of Christmas 2015 and to be honest, it's on many a Christmas List this year too. The Pie Face Game is reduced from £19.99 to just £14.99 at Argos. It's a game that is ideal for when you have those festive visitors over.

The Pie Face Game is quite possibly one of the most hilarious games I have ever played. The kids love it and so do us adults.

Use the spinner to determine how many times to turn the handle - watch out though. You may just get splatted in the face with squirty cream or a wet sponge (included).

You can Reserve and Collect the Pie Face Game for FREE from an Argos near you or pay £3.95 to have it delivered to your door. Argos offer delivery as quick as same day, so you don't have to worry about it not arriving in time for Christmas.

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