Giant Paw Patrol / Twirlywoos / In The Night Garden Soft Toys: £19.99 and 3 for 2 @ Argos (Expired)

Giant Paw Patrol / Twirlywoos / In The Night Garden Soft Toys: £19.99 and 3 for 2 @ Argos (Expired)

The Argos 3 for 2 finishes tomorrow, and although stock has been selling out really fast, there are some hidden gems that are still in stock and a super buy. We have featured these Giant Soft Toys before, and now as well as some being Half Price they are also in the 3 for 2 so you stack those offers for an even better bargain!

There are six available, two each from Paw Patrol, Twirlywoos and In The Night Garden. They're all £19.99 each, with the largest ones down from an original price of £39.99! Here's what you can get:

Stock levels look very good on all of these toys at the moment, and the 3 for 2 is mix and match on thousands of items, so you don't have to choose three of these (and they would take up a lot of room!).

If there is a delay on your items and they can't be collected until after Tuesday you will need to pay when you order rather than on collection to be able to get the 3 for 2, as the price you pay is calculated on the day you pay.

The 3 for 2 mix and match on toys end on Tuesday 8th November.

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