Tesco Direct are selling this Phil and Teds Me Too chair for £25.56 instead of £31.95.
Although I wouldn't mosey, I'd go a bit quicker than that because having just had a quick scout around the Internet this is the lowest price for a Phil and Teds Me Too chair that I can find, and they're such a good idea I can't see it staying in stock for very long.
I think these alternatives to high chairs are such a great idea and, sitting here writing this deal, I can only wonder why on earth it is that I never had one!
High chairs are a necessity but they can be big and expensive and they're not exactly travel friendly. Not only that, they can leave your child feeling a bit remote from everyone else sitting at the table as they're just that can't get super close in a traditional high chair.
This Phil and Teds Me Too chair is an adaptable and portable high chair that can fit almost any bench or table top; genius.
It means your child can sit AT the table instead of a little bit away from it and it's ultra portable too, no more having to run the gauntlet of the, often, less than savoury restaurant high chairs.
The Me Too chair has a lightweight yet very strong design for great durability and when you want to store it away, it will pack down to only 25mm thick for easy fitting into the basket of your buggy or change bag; I almost want one even though I have NO need for a Phil and Teds Me Too chair whatsoever!
Thanks to sarah2004 at HUKD