Fisher-Price Precious Planets Take-Along Swing £39.96 @ Amazon

Fisher-Price Precious Planets Take-Along Swing £39.96 @ Amazon

swing1*singing* Swing lowwww, sweet chaaaariot, coming fore to carry me HOMMMME!

What?! It was the first song that came to mind that had the word swing in it....well it was either that or the song Piglet sings when he's swinging off Tigger's tail.

This deal ROCKS!  Because anything that rocks your baby will prove to be an invaluable weapon in your arsenal against the juggling a busy life with parenthood.

If we could spend all day every day JUST playing with our tiny ones then parenthood would be a doddle (relatively) but it's not like that - there's still all the other day-to-day running of things that need to be done too and this means having to put your baby down now and again, and ohhhh sometimes they r e a l l y don't like that.

swing2However, put them in a swing like this and they'll happily watch you doing what you need to do as they have a swinging good time...and when watching you becomes boring they'll fall fast asleep.

Suitable from birth, the take-along swing is bright and colourful to stimulate your baby's visual senses; has music for the audible senses and a rocking motion for soothing and is light and portable enough to easily be carried from room to room.

With a price tag of just £39.96 - the rrp is £74.99 - this take-along swing is almost a compulsory pre-natal purchase in my opinon!

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