Boots Photo are offering 50% off ALL Posters, with free delivery when you use the code BPE5PST415H at the checkout. This means that you can get a 15" x 10" Photo Collage Poster for £1.99 instead of £3.99. You also get 20 free prints just for registering with Boots Photo, so even if you just use this once you are getting an awful lot for £1.99!
Click here to order your poster @ Boots Photo*
- Discount: 50% off all posters and free delivery
- Expires: Sunday 26th April
- Terms: One code per transaction, not in conjunction with any other offer.
- Code: BPE5PST415H
You don't have to use this code to get a collage poster - if there is one photo you would like made into a poster you can opt for that instead. This voucher code will give you 50% off all posters, whichever style or size you choose. With the collage posters you get to choose a title and background colour as well.
I think the collage poster would look really good with a collection of holiday photos, or with pictures of the kids for a grandparents gift. The offer finishes next weekend, so you have a few days to choose which pictures you would like included.