The Boots No7 Protect and Perfect Intense collection is a gorgeous Mother’s Day gift worth £66 but sold at a mere £32 from Boots. It consists of a bunch of fabulous anti-aging and lush face care products that have actually been proven to work. Yes, the Boots range are the only creams that have science behind them…
The Boots No7 Protect and Perfect Intense collection includes the Protect and Perfect Intense Day Cream, Night Cream and Beauty Serum. It sounds like very little for that price, but when you consider that each one of those tubes usually costs around the £17.99 mark, this is an excellent price for all three.
You also get a free gift when you spend over £22 on selected No7 products and this particular collection happens to fall into this lovely category. So, if you buy the No7 Protect and Perfect Intense face collection for £32 you will also get a free gift worth £22 to bulk up this lovely Mother’s Day present.
Thanks to miles136 at HUKD!