Carriwell Maternity Underwear Half Price @ Boots

Carriwell Maternity Underwear Half Price @ Boots

halfPriceCarriwellMaternityUnderwearBoots are selling selected Carriwell maternity underwear for half price at the moment.

I remember when I was pregnant with my eldest son - yes I can remember that far back actually - and (foolishly) proclaiming to the world that I wouldn't be changing my wardrobe just because I was going to get rounder.

I remember my mum laughing at me and telling me how amazing her maternity support underwear was to wear when she was pregnant with me; I think it was the name 'girdle' that put me off.

But there came a time when I had to admit defeat and I bought some proper maternity underwear; OH. MY. GOODNESS it was like nothing on earth, I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off my front and back - this was yet another of those times when my mum really did know best.

There are some great Carriwell maternity underwear and support items up for grabs 'in' Boots at half price.

Post birth shapewear knickers in black and white are now £5.99 each, instead of £11.99.

There are seamless maternity support tops, also in black and white, which are £12.49 now instead of £24.99.

Also included are pretty maternity bras, pretty lace maternity knickers, a black nursing swimsuit (I didn't even know these existed!) along with a fabulous bump support belt.

If you've been putting off dabbling in the world of maternity underwear then I highly recommend diving in, you won't regret it and you'll save some money on these Carriwell maternity underwear half price deals too; marvellous.

Thanks to inamar at HUKD

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