Personalised 30 x 20cm Canvas £6 Delivered (Using Code) @ My Picture

It would make a lovely Valentine's Day gift!
Personalised 30 x 20cm Canvas £6 Delivered (Using Code) @ My Picture

This is such a lovely offer, especially with Valentine's Day just around the corner. For only £6 At My Picture you can get yourself a personalised 30 x 20cm canvas with free delivery, what a lovely gift this would make! I'm ordering one for Mother's Day in March too!

It's super easy to get a canvas for £6 at My Picture. Just choose the 30 x 20cm canvas which is normally £10 and then upload your picture.

Then when you go to the checkout be sure to enter the discount code HJ69BQMI. The price will then drop from £10 to £6 with free home delivery.

If you upload an image and it doesn't show the 30x20cm option, you may need a better image/needs to be resized

We have used this on the desktop site which was really easy to do and literally took a minute! If you wanted to place multiple orders then I would suggest using different email addresses.

The free home delivery takes 4-7 working days.

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