FREE Days Out During The Summer Holidays

FREE Days Out During The Summer Holidays

With many children already broken up from school and the rest of the U.K breaking up in the next week or so, I am sure there are many parents thinking 'what are we going to do for the next 6 weeks!'

If you're anything like myself I like to be out of the house - staying at home with an energetic, inquisitive 4 year old is not an option. However I cannot afford to take her on expensive days out every day.

I'm sure you have your favourite parks and play date locations near you but if you fancy a change that is free or cheap then take a look at our extensive list of places or events to visit this Summer holidays.

We have tried to make this a national list so hopefully you will be able to find some fun things to do that are local to you.

Museums and Galleries:



There are plenty of free or cheap workshops for youngsters to attend during the Summer holidays. You may need to book places on some of them so we have provided the link to book for them too. Here are a few that we found:

Free Children's Farms:

There's plenty of events during the Summer holidays that are run by the National Trust. Have you heard of the National Trust 50 Things To Do Before You're 11 3/4* challenge? It is a great way to encourage children to get outside and learn through nature. From simple things such as climb a tree, or fly a kite to bigger challenges like build a raft or rock climbing.You can find the list of activities here*. There are plenty of activities to try and the best part is they are all FREE!

There are also plenty of free 50 things to do before you're 11 3/4 events running at various National Trust locations. Find one local to you here*. They include story telling, messy crafts, pond dipping, mini beast hunts and water sports, plus lots more!

Let's not kid ourselves the good old British Summer weather can let us down every now and again. And so for those rainy days it is handy to have something for little one's to do at home. The Summer Reading Challenge* takes place every year during the Summer holidays. All you have to do is head over to your local library and choose six books to read over the Summer. When you have read them all, you have completed the challenge! You can collect rewards along the way and the website has competitions and games to play along the way.

We would love to hear from you, what things do you like to do in the Summer holidays with your little ones? Are there any free days out that we have missed? Do let us know over on our Facebook page or in the comments below!

Whatever you get up to during the Summer holidays, we hope you have a fantastic time and make memories to treasure!

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