Disney Princess Swim & Inflatable Set £3.49 @ Argos

Disney Princess Swim & Inflatable Set £3.49 @ Argos

Taking the kids to the pool or the beach this summer? This is a bargain for little ones in the water as you can get the Disney Princess Swim and Inflatable Set for just £3.49 at Argos.

Full price was already a really reasonable £4.99, but now the price has dropped even further making it a super buy.

This set has armbands, a swimming ring and a beach ball, all with pictures of Disney Princesses on them in a pretty pink colour.

If your kids aren't into Disney Princess then the Spider-man version* is still full price at £4.99, though if you are really lucky you many be able to get hold of the Finding Nemo set* at just £2.49, though there don't appear to be many in stock.

Reserve and collect is free from Argos stores, or home delivery is £3.95.

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