Disney Book bargains @ Argos

Including book collections
Disney Book bargains @ Argos

We just found some super bargains for little Disney fans as Argos have some really great prices on Disney books and book collections so you can grab those last minute presents for little bookworms.

There are lots that are great value for money, with the collections especially good when you see the individual prices for the books elsewhere. Here are some of our favourites:

Many of these are new items, but they're priced cheaper than elsewhere even at their Argos full price so they're really great buys. It's the My Little Library 10 Book Collections that I'll be grabbing at at just £7 for 10 books they're brilliant value a bargain.

Find the rest of our Disney deals here for lots more bargains.

There's the usual free click and collect from store or home delivery costs from £3.95 or is free on orders over £100.

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