Boots Star Gift Of The Week 2024: Half Price Or Better Weekly Star Gifts

Half price or better Christmas gift sets and beauty treats every week until Christmas!
Boots Star Gift Of The Week 2024: Half Price Or Better Weekly Star Gifts

It's that time of year where you get to enjoy the Boots Gift Of The Week. Each week the high street giant launches new Christmas gift items and they slash them in price. It generally means they aren't part of the '3 for 2' promotion that Boots also runs at this time of year, but with some Star Gifts 'better than half price', who cares?

Boots Star Gifts

The Boots Star Gifts are live online now and at the moment there are 37 to choose from with new ones just added! In a change from previous years some of these gifts now need a code for the price to drop and we've listed those where applicable:

When does Boots Star Gift start?

The first Boots Star Gifts of 2024 went on sale on Friday 30th August 2024. New Star Gifts should be added at least weekly until Christmas.

When does the Boots Star Gift change?

The Boots Star Gift usually runs from Friday and changes to a new selection on the following Thursday, though last year they started adding extra ones on a Wednesday or Thursday too. We'll be keeping a very close eye out for all the new Star Gifts and will let you know right here as they change.

What are our Boots Star Gift Predictions for 2024?

We know that in previous years it's the big sets from Soap & Glory, Benefit and No7 that are some of the most anticipated Star Gifts. We're expecting this year to follow the same pattern, and we're keeping a close eye as those Christmas gift sets get added to the Boots Christmas Shop. Watch this space...

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