WaterWipes Baby Wipes (9 x 60 Wipes) £9.99 @ Amazon

WaterWipes Baby Wipes (9 x 60 Wipes) £9.99 @ Amazon

This is the cheapest I have ever seen these. I got a sample pack in my Emma's Diary pack when I was pregnant with Daniel and I loved them. Unfortunately, I couldn't justify the £2.50 a pack that was being charged in my local chemist. Right now, Amazon have a 9 packet box of WaterWipes Baby Wipes for just £9.99. That's a good tenner less than what this usually sells for.

There is a two to four week delay on this WaterWipes 9 pack box. In total you will receive 540 wipes, which should keep you going for a wee while.

What's so special about WaterWipes? They are marketed as the world's purest baby wipes and contain 99.9% purified water and 0.1% fruit extract. They can be used from birth too.

There is a ONE BOX limit on these which is a shame, so you may have to rope in your other half to get another box on their Amazon account.

Delivery is £5 on these if you don't have Amazon Prime, or are not spending £20+.

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