Original Scrabble £11.99 @ Amazon

Original Scrabble £11.99 @ Amazon

I've been on the hunt for reasonably priced Scrabble for a while - I found it at Amazon for £11.99 instead of £21.99; fabulous.

I've written about various letter and word games here at PlayPennies - Bananagrams and Toy Story Scrabble - but I've never written about original Scrabble.

Amazing really; I've been playing Scrabble for as long as I can remember.

If you look at my Grandma and Gramps you'd see two people white-haired people in their late 80s (my Grandma will be 86 next month).  They're not old and doddery but they do look kind and gentle; they are your stereotypical mild-mannered grandparents.

Put them in front of a Scrabble board, however, and they turn into ruthless wordsmiths who will make your high hundred score look pathetic; they'll think nothing of smashing you with amazing words on triple word scores.

They taught me everything I know *grin*

I've been playing Scrabble with my kids ever since they could sort Scrabble tiles and make simple three-letter words; my eldest son is now a worthy opponent.

I found it a great way to help children with every aspect of word formation, increasing their vocabulary, helping with spellings and generally spending some quality time with them.

Adults and younger children can make up two-man teams, or you can just jump between each child as the 'letter advisor' when they get a little older and want to start trying to work out more for themselves.

Telling you about this Scrabble deal has brought back some great memories for me, I hope you make some fabulous ones of your own if you decide to play Scrabble with your own children.

Happy Scrabbling!

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