Still on my book 'thing' - this Father Christmas Needs A Wee festive story is just hilarious, it has my youngest in hysterics every year; he loves it.
Play are selling it for £3.49, Amazon have price matched it (if you prefer to buy with them) and have a hardback version for £3.74 if you'd rather have that than a paperback copy. Everywhere else, it's selling for between £6 and £8.
In this very funny story, Father Christmas is having a bit of a tough night 'in the office' - just one night to complete all his deliveries to the right addresses; all those mince pies to eat and all that sherry to drink is taking it's toll (I'm sure he has an elf to drive the sleigh so he's not drinking and driving!) and he needs a WEE!
Becoming increasingly desperate, and trying not to wet his pants, Father Christmas rushes through his last deliveries and DASHES home only to discover he's lost his house keys!!!! WHAT is he going to do!?
Well you're going to have to read the book to find out, but I can tell you that you won't go wrong with anything involving toilet humour or the word 'wee' when it comes to kids.
There's no delivery to pay with Play (or Amazon, if you choose them instead) so £3.49 is all you're going to pay.
Thanks to andywedge at HUKD