Maxell Kids Safe Headphones £3.59 @

Maxell Kids Safe Headphones £3.59 @

Play is selling two pairs of Maxell kids safe headphones in either pink or blue at a nice discount at the moment. The pink ones are on sale for £3.99 and the blue ones are on sale for £4.99 (weird how different colours cost different prices) but using the code below you can take even more off the price.

The Maxell kids safe headphones are usually around £6.99 each so you are saving nearly half of the original price. The code you need to reduce the cost even more is 1DAY10. The headphones are designed to fit small children’s heads comfortably with plenty of adjustment room and they have a lower volume to protect their ears.

The come with a two year warranty and are lightweight with soft cushioned pads on the ears to keep them comfy and to not put too much pressure on the delicate tissue. They work with most systems and would be brilliant for long journeys by car, train or plane when movies keep them entertained.

Thanks to goonertillidie at HUKD!

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