Peppa Pig Girls' Pink Toddle Canvas Trainers £3.49 @ Argos

Peppa Pig Girls' Pink Toddle Canvas Trainers £3.49 @ Argos

peppa pig Canvas Shoes

In my home, we adore Peppa Pig. We are not alone, PP has to be one of the most popular Children's television programmes of our time. If you know a little Peppa Pig fan then make them smile with these Peppa Pig Girls' Pink Toddle Canvas Trainers. Sold by Argos, they are reduced from £6.99 to just £3.49. What a bargain!

The Peppa Pig Girls' Pink Toddle Canvas Trainers come in four different sizes. Size 6 appears to be extremely limited so if that's the size you need then you might be lucky and bag a pair. Sizes 7,8 and 9 seem to be plentiful across the UK though.

These little shoes are very pink and feature lovely Peppa Pig detailing. My particular favourite bits are those PP toe caps. Very cute indeed. If you are looking for nursery shoes or something for your little one to wear out to play, then these are a good buy.

Check out the reviews. These PP shoes have a 4.8 star rating so I say these are a super duper bargain at just £3.49.

You can Reserve and Collect the Peppa Pig Girls' Pink Toddle Canvas Trainers for FREE from an Argos store near you. They are available for home delivery at a cost of £3.95.

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