The Calming Jar

The Calming Jar

If your beloved little baby has, or is close to, hitting the two years old mark then get ready; brace yourselves, strap yourselves, and anyone within a 25 yard radius, in and prepare yourselves for one HECTIC rollercoaster ride.

That cutesy little baby is about to reveal their WILD side!  The side that cannot be reasoned with and, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, won't be until they're maybe around eight years old - then you've got, perhaps, five years of relative calm before the teenage tantrums kick in!

But for now, let's just look at a way to calm the toddler tantrums.  If you've ever been on the receiving end of one you'll know how horrendous it can be to calm down a yelling child - often times whatever caused the red mist to descend has passed and all your child needs to learn to do is stop and b-r-e-a-t-h-e, but that can be difficult when you're little.

Giving them something other than their RAGE to focus on, that's calming, and doesn't have naughty step punishment connotations can help; I think this idea for a calming jar is just great, and definitely worth a try.

It's akin to a glittery snow globe where the pieces suspended inside the liquid fall and settle slowly, once they've been shaken up by a distraught child.

Click HERE to read the full, and original, Calming Jar idea

I'd love to be able to take credit for this idea, but can't - I came across it during one of my many mooches around the World Wide Web; do let us know if you try it and how it worked for you.

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