Step2 Thomas the Tank Engine Up & Down Roller Coaster: £124 @ Amazon

Step2 Thomas the Tank Engine Up & Down Roller Coaster: £124 @ Amazon

thomas roller coaster 2 pm

I love this toy! I have never seen anything quite like it, and I know someone who would be over the moon if they got it for Christmas. It's the Step2 Thomas The Tank Engine Up and Down Roller Coaster, and it costs £124 including delivery at Amazon.

Children can climb the steps at the top of the nine foot long track and ride Thomas all the way to the bottom. The Thomas carriage has a high back, handrail and foot rests for a secure ride, and the recessed wheel wells hold the coaster car in place until kids are ready to push off and roll down the track.

The reviews are all 5 star, and one reviewer says that their child plays with the carriage inside if the weather is too wet, and they just leave the track out in the garden. If you're wondering what sort of age this is aimed at the guidance is 2 to 5 years.

If you would rather get it direct from the suppliers you will save yourself £4 by buying from Activity Toys Direct, or Argos* also sell this for £124.99 with free delivery.

I was still thinking that £124 is still a lot of money, but I got a "Hey, it's for Christmas!", and I think that says it all really! Lots of us buy one big present rather than lots of smaller ones, and this could make it a Christmas to remember for some lucky children.

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