Free Competitions: Win A Smeg Range Cooker Worth £2200, An iPad2 Or An AGA Rayburn Worth £7000

Free Competitions: Win A Smeg Range Cooker Worth £2200, An iPad2 Or An AGA Rayburn Worth £7000

I can't help it, I always chuckle that someone thought Smeg was a GREAT name for kitchen appliances!  All giggling aside, I do love their appliances and if someone was to give me a traditional Smeg range cooker worth £2200, for FREE, then I'd bite their arm off.

Alternatively, I could just enter this competition instead and see if the lucky person who'll win one!

The answer is Victoria and the closing date for entries is 2 September.

We haven't had an iPad competition for a while - so here IS one: enter it to win an iPad 2, it even comes with a red cover.

The answer is A - mint and strawberry and you must get your entries in before 30 September.

Now, for my money (or free competition), I'd rather have a Rayburn than a Smeg range.  Actually, having owned a Rayburn before I'd have both: a Rayburn for its looks and lovely heat and the Smeg range cooker for actually cooking on (Rayburns can be devils to clean, so I wouldn't do much cooking on it - IN it, is fine as anything that spills over just burns off and can be brushed out).

Anyway, if you fancy a Rayburn then enter this competition to win one; they're worth over £7000 so even if you don't want one, enter and if you win you could sell it and be seven grand better off!

The answer is eight and entries need to be received before 31 October - loads of time!


Thanks to bigmaz, haigythescotsman and shonae2000 at HUKD

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