My Own Morph £6.99 @ Play

My Own Morph £6.99 @ Play


Step back thirty years to the gentle halcyon days of Take Hart with Tony and Morph, with this My Own Morph kit.

It’s only fair!  The kids have umpteen million pots of playdough, soft squidgy stuff and mouldable mould so it’s about time there was something of a similar genre that us grown-ups will appreciate – Morph!

I know you've already started thinking about what lovely things you can send me for Christmas; forget diamonds, forget chocolates and champagne, just send me a My Own Morph and I'll be one very happy girl.

So this Morph won’t talk or move or do any of the things the real Morph did but that doesn’t matter because he’ll be YOUR Morph, created and born out of your own fair hands!

He comes with a step-by-step instructional DVD, some accessories to add character to your Morph - a beard, a magician's hat, skateboard etc - and 15 original Morph episodes on DVD too.

The plasticine never dries out so if your first few attempts aren’t that great you can ‘take hart’ and keep trying until you’ve mastered Morph!

For the sheer amount of joy I’d get out of moulding my Morph the £6.99 price tag is an absolute bargain (he should be £10.99) and there are no delivery charges to pay with Play either.

Happy Morph Making!

Thanks to KINGYFUN over at HUKD

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