Graco Logico L HighBack 'Metro' Booster Seat £39.99 @ Mothercare

Graco Logico L HighBack 'Metro' Booster Seat £39.99 @ Mothercare

gracoLogicoLHighBackedBoosetSeatMothercare are selling this Graco Logico L High Back Booster Seat for £39.99 instead of the £89.99 rrp.

I always loved moving up to this stage of car seat, they are so light and easy to use it’s like a breath of fresh air; no more having to fiddle with three-point harnesses and strapping it in to the car through the back and getting the seat belt all twisted etc, HURRAH.

This Graco Logico L Highback 'Metro' Booster Seat is fabulous, I know it is because my youngest has one.

It's a group 2 and 3 seat and converts to just a booster seat, so it's suitable for kids aged between four and 11 years old.

The headrest and armrests are adjustable, it has big sides for lots of protection against impacts from the side.

I particularly like that it has a multi-position reclining seat, this is still very much required as my youngest frequently dozes off in the car.  He really likes the pull-out drink and snack holders that are tucked away in the front of the seat on both the left and right sides.

The Graco Logico L Highback 'Metro' Booster Seat also has a seatbelt guide to ensure that it always sits in the right place across your child’s shoulder.

Every single reviewer on the Mothercare site gives the Graco Logico L Highback 'Metro' Booster Seat five stars; I give it five stars and with £50 off the rrp you really can't go wrong.

Oh, delivery is free too.

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